Easy Ways to be an Effective Parent

Take Quality Time

Play with Your Children
Let them pick the activity and play by their rules. Just go with the flow, let go and have fun. This will be one of the best things you ever did.

Red Books Together Every Day
Cuddling up with your child and a book is a great bonding experience that will help them develop a love of reading. Don’t wait until they are old enough to understand either, even as a newborn reading to them is a great idea; infants love the sound of their parents’ voices.

Have a Scheduled Daily Special Time
Have your child choose an activity where you spend time together for 10 to 15 minutes every day, with no interruptions. This will help them feel important and loved, while only taking up a few minutes of your time.

Promote Daddy Time
Time with dad is one of the most important resources available for improving the lives of your children. Studies show that kids who have engaged fathers are better problem-solvers, thrive better in school and are much more adaptable to whatever life throws at them.

Make Memories
Children will not remember the things you say or do, but they will remember your family rituals. Things like bedtime routines, walks, game night – the things you do together on a consistent and regular basis.

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