6 Things to Know About Conjunctivitis in Children (pink eye)

Newborns Can Get It

As we mentioned above, people of all ages can get pinkeye. And by that we mean all ages which means that newborn babies are not immune. Unfortunately, although pinkeye is a common condition that is not usually considered to be serious, that does not mean that it cannot lead to other health conditions in very young babies. This is a more serious issue when the newborn babies contract it via the bacteria of a mother’s birth canal who has certain sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, it is important for mothers who suspect that they may have an STI to treat this infection before delivery. Although not ideal, in these cases, a newborn baby will often be given antibiotic eyedrops, which ironically can lead to what is referred to as “mild chemical conjunctivitis.” Luckily this usually clears up without the need to use other medications.

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