Move Over Twenties, Your Forties Are Where It’s At

You Have More Empathy

Studies have also shown that people tend to be more empathetic as they age. I don’t know about you, but I think this is a good thing. When people are younger they are much more likely to believe that you get what’s coming to you and that somehow you deserve it. However, as we get older, we often come to realize that this is not always the case. We begin to understand that although we do play a role in what happens to us, some things simply are out of our control.

Going hand in hand with having more empathy, being in your forties means that you have more resources to give back. This might mean that now that you are more financially secure, you might be more likely to donate to that cause you have wanted to in the past but couldn’t afford to. Or, you can finally give back to your parents and treat them to a nice weekend getaway. It also doesn’t just have to be things that cost money; there are always opportunities in your community to give back like volunteering at the local food bank or retirement home.

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