Move Over Twenties, Your Forties Are Where It’s At

You Don’t Put up With It

Sometime in your late thirties you start to know yourself, what you want and what you deserve. This goes along with knowing your worth. When you are in your twenties its easy go through the motions without stopping to reflect on what it is that you really want. As an example, you may have dated someone in college and stayed with them much longer than you should have because you didn’t realize that it wasn’t what you actually wanted. As you age you start to know what you want, and to identify the relationships that are worth holding on to. You don’t put up with the toxicity of bad relationships and you don’t waste your time.

While a lot of people get married and settle down in their twenties, it is also perfectly acceptable to wait. More women than ever are focusing on their education and less so on tying the knot. Many couples opt out of marriage, and those that do not are having longer engagements. Timelines seem to be getting pushed back and I have many friends that are not afraid to make the lifestyle choices that are best for them, and, that are not afraid to make changes and move on when it’s best for them.

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