Easy Ways to be an Effective Parent

Praise Them

Give Specific Praise
Instead of just telling them that they are great, be specific. Praising a child over something that they did to deserve praise will be more meaningful and help to reinforce the positive behavior. For example, instead of telling them, “you are good” you could tell them “I really like how you waited until mommy was off the phone to ask for a snack, I know it’s hard.”

Cheer Them On
When you notice your child doing something helpful or nice, let them know. It is an excellent way to reinforce positive behavior and will give them a self-esteem boost. More than likely, they will continue to repeat the behavior to get your praise and attention.

Kids are always listening, so make sure they hear the good stuff. When they over hear you talking to others about them it will mean more than you telling them directly, so let them ‘catch’ you talking about them.

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