Common Health Problems in Babies

Skin Bumps/Rashes

There is arguably not a whole lot scarier than going to pick up your little bean to notice that they are covered in some sort of rash or bumps. Many sites such as provide parents with a neat visual guide that allows for the easy identification of more common skin issues in babies and also provides suggestions on whether or not medical help should be sought. For instance, although it is often associated with being an adolescent, babies can actually get acne in different areas of the face. This is not to be confused with chickenpox, which is of course contagious and is not restricted to the face. Another common culprit is what is known as cradle cap which appears as dry and flaky skin and in some cases lead to hair loss. Of course, skin issues on the bottom can be due to a diaper rash so make sure to change your baby’s diaper often and use bum cream when necessary.

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